5 Easy Ways to Create More Time for a Healthier You

5 Easy Ways to Create More Time for a Healthier You - Juicerville

Wendy Floyd |

You define what is important by how you dedicate your time and for many of us, our health is high up on our priority lists. Even the busiest of people can find ways to reclaim their time and make their health a top priority and here's how: 

How to Create More Time For Your Health

Tip No. 1 -- Write it down and organize your thoughts

Make a list and check it twice or better yet, strike it off. Creating lists helps to put those tasks on paper and have a visual reminder of what needs to be done, which will help you to prioritize and better manage your time. Lists also have a wonderful, positive psychological impact by helping to de-clutter your thoughts, while giving you a feeling of control and filling you with sense of accomplishment as you take care of your business.  

There are many apps available to keep track of your task list, or go old school and use a pen and paper! 

Tip No. 2 -- Get more sleep and function better 

This seems like a no-brainer, but your body functions better on an adequate amount of sleep. When you're tired, the more difficult it becomes to stick to your healthy habits, whether that's eating loads of healthy foods, following your workout routine or simply managing your stress levels. 

Try disconnecting from distractions 30-60 minutes before bedtime and allow yourself to decompress. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night to ensure you're running at peak performance. 

Tip No. 3 -- Online shopping saves time

Online shopping is incredibly convenient for people on the go. From kitchen appliances to groceries to exercise equipment, you'll always find what you're looking for online and you'll have access to better discounts, infinite choice and no pressure sales. 

If you're like most households, you tend to purchase a lot of the same grocery items on a regular basis and nowadays online shoppers can maximize their time by saving a personalized online shopping list to place repeat orders, stay focused and avoid impulse buys. 

Tip No. 4 -- Turn off technology and increase your self-awareness

With technology creeping into all aspects of our lives, we should all strive to live in the moment. In truth, often times our phones leave us more stressed, jealous, annoyed and sad as a result of the over consumption of information and social media overload. Unsurprisingly, more people are opting for screen time over the company of others, which means more of their down time is spent online rather than with their significant other.

We experience amazing health benefits when we disconnect from our phones, including reduced anxiety and depression, improved attention, increased happiness, greater self-awareness. 

Tip No. 5 -- Schedule your exercise and stick to your routine

Make an appointment with yourself to exercise and don't cancel. It seems simple, but you're more likely to stick to your fitness routine when you make a point of scheduling time for it.